by: Ron Lueck - 24 RacewayMOBERLY, MO (Jan 12) - January 12 saw
the end-of-the-2007-season Awards Banquet for Moberly's 24 Raceway take
place on the 2nd Saturday of 2008 at the Moberly Municipal Auditorium, with
about 160 race fans coming out to enjoy the dinner, drinks, awards and some
good old rock 'n roll music brought on by 'Heavy Duty's' band known as
"Hindsight". The meal was served by Kre'ative Katering of Moberly and the
awards started after all were finished dining. As the Top Ten finishers in
the season points from each class were read off by track announcer, Doug
Mealy, each trophy got exceedingly larger. The five class champions for 2007
were: Chad Hickam of Hallsville in the 4 cylinder Hornets; Alan Hultz of
Madison in the Hobby Stock class; the Sportsman class had a different winner
this season and from Clarence this time, Larry Krog; Kirksville's Kelly
Smith simply ran off with the Moberly Motors B-modified class; and the
A-modified champion was David Holder, also from Clarence. All five of these
winners received not only the biggest trophy, but got a monogramed black
leather & wool coat for displaying their championship efforts.
Congratulations go to all top ten trophy winners of each racing class!
Numerous door prizes went out to those in attendance, and many thanks go out
to those sponsors that so generously donated them. But the grand prize of 2
tickets to the March 9th Sprint Cup race at Atlanta was won by the Hobby
Stock champion, Alan Hultz.
In addition, the award for the Most Improved Driver went to Sportsman
driver, Larry Krog of Clarence. The Hard-Luck Award was presented to Mike
Wolfe of Madison, mostly for that rollover of his Hobby Stock on the front
stretch on May 19th. And the Most Valuable Pit Person award was presented to
former driver Phil Crump of Centralia for all the wrench work on his son
Clayton's # 3C Hobby Stock. The 2007 rookie-of-the-year ended up as a tie
between Galen Hassler, driving a Hornet this last season, but intent on
moving up to the B-mod class in '08, and Sportsman driver Derrick Agee of
Huntsville. These awards were nominated and voted on by fellow drivers and
are, once again, a great compliment to all of 24 Raceway's participants.
Before you know it, the 2008 season will be upon us with those two Test 'n
Tune weekends of late March & early April. And then the first night of the
new season takes off on April 12, followed the next week by a LateModel show
with the ULMA group. Once more, the W.O.W. 350 Sprint car races are back for
three nights at 24 Raceway, with the first being the annual Gary Scott
Memorial on May 24th. One of last season's biggest shows is to be repeated
this year on Thursday, July 3rd with the annual A-modified's Firecracker
Forty, and the Late Models of the MLRA. Something new at the high-banked
half mile track will be the Southern Midget Racing Series on June 7th, with
yet more events being considered for the 2008 racing season.
Thanks to all employees of 24 Raceway and those fans who came out for one
great 2007 season! Hope to see everyone once again in 2008 at the track
where there's "Dirt Track Racing at its Best!" Watch for more scheduling
info coming on the website of
www.24racewayinmoberly.com .

Most Valuable Pit Person Award to Phil Crump of Centralia, with track
owners Tonja Kinder on the left and Jerry Milnes on the right.

Sportsmanship Award to Gary R. Wilson of Paris, with track owners Tonja
Kinder on the left and Jerry Milnes on the right. |

Hard Luck Award winner Mike Wolfe of Madison, with track owners Tonja
Kinder on the left and Jerry Milnes on the right.

Most Improved Driver award to Larry Krog of Clarence. |

These are top ten from the 4 cly. Hornet class: standing l. to r. are
Kristi Chase of Clark, Vince Jasper & Paul Stine, both of Clarence;
seated l. to r. are '07 Champion, Chad Hickam of Hallsville, Brooke
Hassler & Gaylen Hassler, both of Columbia, and Robbie Chase of Clark.

A shot of the five class champs for 2007: David Holder of Clarence in
the A-Modified; Kelly Smith of Kirksville in the B-Modified; Larry Krog
of Clarence in Sportsman class; Alan Hultz of Madison in the Hobby Stock
class; and Chad Hickam of Hallsville in the Hornet class.

These are the top ten from 24 Raceway's A-Modified class: standing l. to
r. are Kelly Smith of Kirksville, Gaylen Hassler (substituting for
Scotty Roberts of Columbia) & Randy Mauzey of of Madison; seated l. to
r. are '07 Champion, David Holder of Clarence, Brandon Lennox of New
London, Lyndell Scott (car owner, substituting for Vance Wilson of
Frankfort), Kevin Blackburn of Fulton and Gary R. Wilson (substituting
for Matt Dotson of Sturgeon).

These are the top ten from 24 Raceway's Moberly Motors B-Modified class:
standing l. to r. are Steve Robinson of Huntsville, Tony Garner of
Macon, Charlie VanBoening of Paris & Jacob Grotewiel of Clifton Hill;
seated l. to r. are '07 Champion, Kelly Smith of Kirksville, Gary R.
Wilson of Holliday, Kevin Embree of Paris and Dave Kinder of Moberly.

These are the top ten from 24 Raceway's MFA Oil /BreakTime Sportsman
class: standing l. to r. are Derrick Agee of Huntsville, Randy Rindom of
Moberly, & Ryan Petersheim of Sturgeon; seated l. to r. are '07
Champion, Larry Krog of Clarence, Pete Agee of Huntsville, Tom Creed
(substituting for Jeff Creed of Cairo), Chad Walter of Clarence and Tim
Eravi of Moberly.

These are the top ten from 24 Raceway's Hobby Stock class: standing l.
to r. are Darrell Nickerson & Lucas Galland both of Moberly, & Chase
Breid of Madison; seated l. to r. are '07 Champion, Alan Hultz of
Madison, Tom Creed of Moberly, and Kevin Renzelmann of Huntsville.