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34 Raceway to host 1st Annual Stock Car and Hobby Stock
Nationals Sept. 29
by Dana Royer/34 Raceway
BURLINGTON, IA (Sept. 26) - Race fans can expect to see some of the best racing
of the year at 34 Raceway this Saturday, Sept. 29 as the track hosts its 1st
annual IMCA Stock Car and Hobby Stock Nationals on the 3/8 mile high bank. It¹s
expected to be barn burner with drivers from all around as well as local
favorites converging on 34 Raceway as they compete for one of the biggest stock
car and hobby stock purses this year.
The best in stock car racers will compete for a $1200 to win prize with $100 to
start the feature race. Hobby Stockers will race for $1000 to win with $75 to
start. Added to the season ending show will be (back by popular demand), the 4
cylinders as they race for a $250 to win prize. Currently over 60 cars are
pre-registered in the two classes (excluding 4 cylinders) as more names continue
to come in.
Both Stock Cars (under IMCA Stock Car rules) and Hobby Stocks (under 34 Raceway
rules) will run heat races, a 6-8 car dash and a 35 lap feature to compete for
the big money. The 4 cylinders will run heats and a 15 lap feature. Over 30 4
cylinders made their first appearance at 34 Raceway this year back on Sept. 2.
The Stock Cars and Hobby Stocks will be a no sanction no claim, draw and redraw
show. Tow money is also offered.
Fans will also be treated to special $1 beer sponsored by Fleck Sales and Miller
Lite in the 2007 season finale at 34 Raceway.
Pit gates will open at 3:30, grandstand gates open at 5:00, Drivers meeting at
6:00, hot laps at 6:15 and racing to being at 7:00.
For more information go to www.34raceway.com