IMCA track
champions earn awards from Axle Exchange
DES MOINES, Iowa (March 29) – Shares of more than $12,000 in contingency
awards go to IMCA track champions in five divisions this season, courtesy of
Axle Exchange.
Manufacturer of the Fast Shaft brand of drive shafts, the Des Moines, Iowa,
company will give $50 product certificates to drivers topping local track
point standings in the Modified, Stock Car, Hobby Stock and both SportMod
Certificates will be mailed after point standings become official in late
October. Axle Exchange returns to the national decal program for Stock Cars
and drivers in the division must display two Fast Shafts decals on their
race car to be eligible.
Axle Exchange also returns as sponsor of the Fast Shafts All-Star Modified
Invitational and will furnish a portion of the $4,000 purse to be paid to
drivers elected to the field for the Sept. 11 special, part of the Friday
night card at the IMCA Speedway Motors Super Nationals.
The company’s product line also includes a variety of steel or aluminum
drive shafts, lightweight center sections and Ford 9” rear ends. Axle
Exchange also repairs drive shafts. More information is available by calling
800 622-6617 and at the website.
"Axle Exchange has always been a big supporter of grassroots racing and they
continue to be an excellent resource for us as we constantly research and
implement the most economical and competitive rules for our racers in all
divisions,” said IMCA Marketing Director Kevin Yoder.
