LOCKWOOD, Mo. (March 9) – Kluhsman Racing Components will return to national decal programs for both IMCA SportMod divisions. Top 10 drivers in national standings for the Karl Chevrolet Northern SportMods and Smiley’s Racing Chassis Southern SportMods receive $75 product certificates from the Lockwood, Mo., high performance parts manufacturer. Certificates will be mailed directly from Kluhsman after points become official this fall. All SportMod drivers are required to display two KRC decals on their race car to be eligible. The top three drivers in each of the five regions for IMCA Modifieds also receive $75 KRC certificates, as do the top three finishers in national IMCA Late Model, IMCA Sunoco Stock Car and IMCA Sunoco Hobby Stock standings. Information about Kluhsman-made products is available by calling 800 814-5745 and at the www.krcracing.com website. “KRC enters their 14th season of partnership with IMCA. During that time they have created a variety of new and innovative products at an affordable price for our racers and we've appreciated their support," said IMCA Marketing Director Kevin Yoder.