MUSCATINE, IA (January 24, 2011) - The Lil’ Racer Car Club is happy to announce that the 4th annual “Its All About the Kids!” Bowling Tournament is scheduled to take place this upcoming Sunday January 30th from 2-4 PM at the Plamor Lanes, 1114 Grandview Avenue, in Muscatine Iowa. For only 12.00 per person, you will receive 2 hours of bowling, your shoes, and a pitcher of pop per lane. Up to 6 bowlers per lane. Pizza will be provided. All KIDS bowling will receive a bowling trophy for their participation! A special event added this year is the Marolf (Nick Marolf #33 late model driver from Moscow Iowa) Race Team Challenge. Racing teams are invited to come out and challenge the Marolf racing/bowling Team in a very worthwhile event. Each racing/bowling team interested in this event will consist of 6 people-driver, two crew persons, and 3 others. Each team member will bowl two games. A team average will be figured from those 12 games bowled. If that team’s average BEATS the Marolf team’s average, the winning team will receive a case. (Marolf’s choice). Alcohol will ONLY be provided to persons of LEGAL age-soda to be provided to those UNDER legal age. Should be a high level of competitiveness among race teams, and an event very exciting for all! We will also play Red Pin as the Head Pin. If the head pin is red and you get a strike, you will receive a special prize! All donations received from this event will be split 50/50 and used by the West Liberty Raceway and CJ Speedway Lil’ Racer Car Clubs as startup costs for the 2011 race season. Come on out and support a very fun event for racing kids and their families! Check out the Lil’ Racer Car Club’s website for further information: www.lilracercarclub.com