ALTA, IA (January 31, 2011) - The BVR race banquet will be on Saturday, February 12th, 2011 at the Wall Lake Community Center in Wall Lake. Even if you RSVP\'d for the first banquet date please contact us again with your reservation for the February 12th banquet. We will have the band Clockwork set to perform at the banquet after the awards ceremony. Check them out at Social hour from 6pm to 7pm Dinner from 7pm to 8pm Awards and band to follow. Tickets can be purchased for $15 until February 4th. Tickets purchased after the 4th or at the door are $20. Kids 12 and under are $10. Contact Jodee at 800-331-4995 to pay by credit card. Checks can be sent to Wide Open Promotions PO Box 339 Wall Lake, Ia 51466. Any questions contact or call 712-664-2662.