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Brick Inscriptions Happening April 25th

KNOXVILLE, IA (April 6, 2011) - Brick Inscriptions Happening April 25, 2011;  Show Your Support for Sprint Car Racing and the National Sprint Car Hall of Fame & Museum 

 Built "one brick at a time" by sprint car racing enthusiasts across America, the National Sprint  Car Hall of Fame & Museum Foundation wishes to announce its first brick engraving date for 2011. 

 Sprint car fans everywhere are encouraged to make a tax-deductible gift of $250 on or before April  25, 2011.  When you do, a brick bearing your name or tribute (for example: to a family member or  favorite driver) will be inscribed prior to April 30th, the start of the 2011 racing season at  nearby Knoxville Raceway.  You may select the permanent home for your donated brick from among four

 locations: the building's foyer or lobby, a memorial wall in the museum, or near the elevators at  the entrance to the Hall of Fame on the second-floor. 

 Since 1989, donations for inscribed bricks have supported the operations and programs of the  National Sprint Car Hall of Fame & Museum.  In 2011, the organization is launching an "Expand the  Dream" campaign to add staging and display space to the Museum as well as funding for expanded  programs.  Donations for inscribed bricks are more important than ever, according to Executive  Director, Bob Baker.  Baker notes that "The next ten years will easily be the most exciting in our  organization's history." 

 Administrative Assistant Lori DeMoss can answer questions and/or take your order for an inscribed  brick at 1-800-874-4488.  Information and order forms are also available on the organization's web  site, by clicking on "special events."