Havoc resuts from Marshalltown
by: By Denny Grabenbauer
MARSHALLTOWN, IA (September 19) - The first event in the month of September
has been completed as the 3rd Annual “Havoc on the High Banks” was completed
this weekend at the Marshalltown Speedway. 286-race teams would sign in from
six states and Canada was on hand to compete at the famed high-banked
quarter mile speedway during the two-day event. “Our goal from the first
year I started promoting at Marshalltown was to turn a race into a event and
as the “Havoc” has been growing the momentum continues to build making our
“Havoc” a crown jewel of event in the country,” said promoter Toby Kruse.
Three drivers would be dominant in the there respective divisions by taking
victory both nights of this year’s event. Bill Bonnett, Kevin Sather and
Darin Duffy would win the double-double and be perfect in this year’s
“Havoc” Bonnett and Duffy would become winner’s for the first time in their
career at Marshalltown, while Sather, the 2009 point champion would continue
his season winning ways.
Duffy would show his dominance both nights by leading green to checkered on
Saturday night and the last five laps of Friday night program in the
Meskwaki Bingo Casino Hotel I.M.C.A. Modified division. On Friday night Max
Croporan and Scott Hogan would finish second and third. Saturday night would
see Jimmy Gustin finishing second followed by David Murray Jr. from Oberlin
Kansas starting 23rd and finished third.
Bonnett would also lead start to finish on Saturday and the last ten laps on
Friday night in the Junction Sports Bar & Grill I.M.C.A. Hobby Stock feature
events. Friday night Kenny Loftus and Michal Murphy would finish second and
third, while Robert Allison and Dustin Elliot followed Bonnett across the
line on Saturday night.
Sather would win both nights in the Big 8 Tyre Center I.M.C.A. Sport Mod
division by starting in the middle of the field by charging his way to the
front. Friday night Sather would take the lead at the half waypoint and
would go on to win over Andy Tiernan and Austin Kaplan. On Saturday Zach
Rawlins would make a last lap pass for second followed by early leader Matt
Two winners would emerge in the Aarons I.M.C.A. Stock Car division as 2009
track champion Dustin would take the win on Friday night and Grundy Center’s
Steve Meyer won his first feature in over two and half years to score the
win on Saturday night.
Mike Morrill and Andy Hennigar, for track champions would find victory in
the Mod-Lite Dwarf Car class, Morrill on Friday night and Hennigar on
Saturday night would feature the Karl’s Chevrolet Dirt Tracks as Brett Moyer
would out distance Carl Moyer and Ed Nelson.
The final event of the season will take place Sunday September 27th with
the “Topless” Modified event. All classes plus the Dirt Truck will be back
at the speedway for the final time in 2009. The gates will open at 3:00, hot
laps will be at 6:00 and the first race of the final night will begin at
MARSHALLTOWN SPEEDWAY September 18th & 19th 2009
By Denny Grabenbauer
“Havoc on the High Banks”—Day One
“Meskwaki Bingo Casino Hotel” I.M.C.A. MODIFIED:
HEAT 1: David Murray—Darin Duffy—Adam Larson
HEAT 2: Jimmy Gustin—Max Croporan—Jay Schmidt
HEAT 3: Mike O’Lear—David Brown—Scott Hogan
HEAT 4: Jon Snyder—Devin Emmel—Joey Galloway
B-MAIN: Kyle Krampe—Ed Thomas—Jim Schaefer—Mike Manson
FEATURE: Darin Duffy—Max Croporan—Scott Hogan—Jon Snyder—Jay Schmidt—Devin
Emmel—Todd Stickler—Jimmy Gustin—Ed Thomas—Doug Firgard—Scott Simatovich—Rick
Speck—Jim Schaefer—Rod Clement—Adam Larson—Joey Galloway—Kyle Krampe—Don
Erger—Mike O’Lear—Mike Manson—Josh Gilman—David Brown—David Murray—Dave
“Aarons” I.M.C.A. STOCK CAR:
HEAT 1: Rick Brown—Rod Richards—Gary Bass
HEAT 2: Jeff Wollam—Dusty Vis—Phil Holtz
HEAT 3: Dustin Smith—Damon Murty—Jared Weepie
NITEFLY DESIGNS DASH FOR CASH: Rod Richards—Dustin Smith—Jeff Wollam
FEATURE: Dustin Smith—Steve Meyer—Dusty Vis—Phil Holtz—Jeff Wollam—Damon
Murty—Dave Atcher—Rod Richards—Jared Weepie—Kevin Rose—Jon Byriel—Andy
Bryant—Michael Jeannette—Don Wear—Bryan Trogdon—Andrew Inman—Gary Bass—Rick
Brown—Don Vis—Ryan Leeman—Tim Feltner—Michael Johnston—Trevor Titus
“Junction Bar & Grille” I.M.C.A HOBBY STOCK:
HEAT 1: Bill Bonnett—Pete Hutzel—Aaron Rudolph
HEAT 2: Leonard Loftus—Eric Larson—Josh Saunders
HEAT 3: Todd Reitzler—Nick Murty—Kenny Loftus
HEAT 4: Justin Maschke—Michael Murphy—Matt Webb
B-MAIN: Rex Bonnett—Jesse McCullough—Cory Cruzan
FEATURE: Bill Bonnett—Kenny Loftus—Michael Murphy—Todd Reitzler—Nick Murty—Dustin
Elliott—Dylan Book—Leonard Loftus—Eric Larson—Craig Graham—Wes Stonek—Matt
Webb—Justin Maschke—Josh Saunders—Jake Nelson—Nic Shearer—Cory Cruzan—Ron
Prymek—Aaron Rudolph—Jennifer Hulin—Clint Nelson—Rex Bonnett—Jesse
McCullough—Pete Hutzel
“Big 8 Tyre Center” I.M.C.A SPORT MOD:
HEAT 1: Rodney McDonald—Austin Kaplan—Andy Tiernan
HEAT 2: Austin Lucas—Brad Iverson—Geoff Olson
HEAT 3: Matt Lettow—Neil Follett—Shawn Hunter
HEAT 4: Gaitlin Leytham—Duane VanDeest—Adam Shelman
B-MAIN: Rocky Caudle—Brandon Leeman
B-MAIN: Cory Rose—Ryan Engelkes
FEATURE: Kevin Sather—Andy Tiernan—Austin Kaplan—Jake Strayer—Brad
Iverson—Geoff Olson—Neil Follett—Zach Rawlins—Kyle Brown—Matt Lettow—Shawn
Hunter—Duane VanDeest—Brandon Leeman—Rodney McDonald—Ryan Engelkes—Gaitlin
Leytham—Dale VanderWal—Kenny Hay—Adam Shelman—Austin Lucas—Rick
Paulson—Scott Thomas—Rocky Caudle
“Mod Lite” DWARF CARS:
HEAT 1: Joel Huggins—Jimmy May—Dusty Masolini
HEAT 2: Tim Hennigar—Jeff Stensland—Randy Bryan
HEAT 3: Mike Morrill—Johnny Mordock—Josh May
FEATURE: Mike Morrill—Andy Hennigar—Randy Bryan—Dusty Masolini—Jeff
Stensland—Josh May—Jimmy May—Tim Hennigar—Matt Godwin—Jeremy Bowrey—Cliff
Barber—Joel Huggins—Duane Coffman—Tim Sutherland—Bobby Fox—Ivan Guerra—John
Griffin—Jason Whitehead—Bobby Toland—Johnny Mordock—D.J. Robinson
“Havoc on the High Banks”—Day Two
“Meskwaki Bingo Casino Hotel” I.M.C.A. MODIFIED:
HEAT 1: Brett Ladehoff—Josh Gilman—Scott Simatovich
HEAT 2: Jon Snyder—Max Croporan—Nate Caruth
HEAT 3: Jimmy Gustin—Vern Jackson—Justin Sacket
HEAT 4: Darin Duffy—Joey Galloway—T.J. Stalker
B-Main: Ronn Lauritzen—Dave Pries
B-Main: David Murray Jr.—J.D. Auringer
NITEFLY DESIGNS POLE DASH: Darin Duffy—Jimmy Gustin Max Croporan
FEATURE: Darrin Duffy—Jimmy Gustin—David Murray Jr.—Adam Larson—Jon Snyder—Nate
Caruth—Scott Hogan—Scott Simatovich—Joey Galloway—Todd Shute—Vern
Jackson—Max Croporan—Devin Emmel—Josh Gilman—Brett Ladehoff—David Brown—J.D.
Auringer—T. J. Stalker—Justin Sacket—Rick Speck—Dave Pries—Chris Snyder
“Aarons” I.M.C.A. STOCK CAR:
HEAT 1: Steve Meyer—Kevin Rose—Gary Bass
HEAT 2: Phil Holtz—Abe Huls—Andy Bryant
HEAT 3: Damon Murty—Dustin Smith—Jeff Wollam
FEATURE: Steve Meyer—Damon Murty—Dustin Smith—Kevin Rose—Jeff Wollam—Phil
Holtz—Andy Bryant—Don Wear—Ryan Leeman—Abe Huls—Dave Atcher—Dan
Trimble—Merlin Hegland—Gary Bass—Ty Hill—Andrew Inman
“Junction Bar & Grille” I.M.C.A HOBBY STOCK:
HEAT 1: Dustin Elliott—Pete Hutzel—Clint Nelson
HEAT 2: Bill Bonnett—Justin Maschke—Leonard Loftus
HEAT 3: Rodney McDonald—Russell Keefer—Gary Pfantz
FEATURE: Bill Bonnett—Robert Allison—Dustin Elliott—Matt McDonald—Cory
Cruzan—Pete Hutzel—Wes Stonek—Russell Keefer—Justin Maschke—Gary Pfantz—Gene
Nicklas—Jennifer Hulin—Clint Nelson—Aaron Rudolph—Tim Saunders—Nic
Shearer—Mike Anderson—Todd Reitzler—Jake Nelson—Leonard Loftus—Jeff
Gunderson—Tyler Pickett—Michael Vibbard
“Big 8 Tyre Center” I.M.C.A SPORT MOD:
HEAT 1: Shawn Hunter—Brad Iverson—Neil Follett
HEAT 2: Bill Hildreth—Cory Rose—Jake Strayer
HEAT 3: Brandon Leeman—Zach Rawlins—Matt Lettow
HEAT 4: Kevin Sather—Curt Hilmer—Scott Durlin
B-MAIN: Gatlin Leytham—Tim Swope Jr.—Martin Rouse—Jared VanDeest
FEATURE: Kevin Sather—Zach Rawlins—Matt Lettow—Kyle Brown—Brad Iverson—Bill
Hildreth—Neil Follett—Geoff Olson—Josh May—Adam Shelman—Rodney
McDonald—Marin Rouse—Shawn Hunter—Jared VanDeest—Gatlin Leytham—Curt Hilmer—Tim
Swope Jr.—Rick Paulson—John Dumer—Cory Rose—Eric Elliott—Jake Strayer—Brandon
Leeman—Scott Durlin
“Mod Lite” DWARF CARS:
HEAT 1: Andy Hennigar—Dusty Masolini—Cliff Barber
HEAT 2: Mike Morrill—Joel Huggins—Johnny Mordock
HEAT 3: Randy Bryan—Mike Kennedy—Bobby Fox
FEATURE: Andy Hennigar—Mike Morrill—Joel Huggins—Matt Godwin—Mike
Kennedy—Dusty Masolini—Johnny Mordock—Bobby Fox—Randy Bryan—Eric
Hendrickson—Jeff Stensland—Travis Stensland—John Griffin—Tim
Sutherland—Colby Oberembt—Dave Anderson—Brett Anderson—Ivan Guerra—Cliff
Barber—Jeremy Bowrey
HEAT 1: Ed Nelson—Tim Murray—Rick Clark
HEAT 2: Lou Sipolt Jr.—Bryan Nevins—Brett Moyer
FEATURE: Brett Moyer—Carl Moyer—Ed Nelson—Lou Sipolt Jr.—Bryan Nevins—Rick
Clark—Tim Murray—Brian Murray