Burger King Broils Up Nine For Nine Series For Area IMCA
Hobby Stock Drivers
By Darin Racek
LEXINGTON, NE (April 12) - Last year's inaugural Nine For Nine Series for
the IMCA (International Motor Contest Association) Stock Cars was a
successful one, with Mikey Dancer of North Platte winning the championship
race in Lexington. This year, promoters Chuck Gray of McCook Speedway in
McCook, Ed Milne of Lincoln County Raceway in North Platte, and Allen
Wissmann of Dawson County Raceway in Lexington have decided to let the IMCA
Hobby Stock drivers try their hand at the event. Burger King has
enthusiastically agreed to sponser the event again.
Drivers interested in the series must run eight of nine selected nights
between the three tracks to qualify. Using feature finishing points on those
nights, the top nine in points (who have run at least eight races) will
receive $100.00 each, then be qualified to run in a championship race with a
yet to be determined purse. The winner of the championship race, to be held
at McCook Speedway on August 21, will receive the lion's share of the purse,
plus a trophy. There will be no registration fee to run the series, but the
drivers must either be registered at each track, or pay a temporary
registration fee to the tracks he or she has not registered. For more
information, contact Allen Wissmann at 308-991-4645, Ed Milne at
308-530-1578, or Chuck Gray at 308-350-1811.
The series races will be as follows:
May 15-McCook Speedway, McCook
May 23-Lincoln County Raceway, North Platte
May 31-Dawson County Raceway, Lexington
June 16-Lincoln County Raceway, North Platte
June 21-Dawson County Raceway, Lexington
June 26-McCook Speedway, McCook
July 10-McCook Speedway, McCook
July 18-Lincoln County Raceway, North Platte
August 2-Dawson County Raceway, Lexington
August 21-McCook Speedway, McCook--Championshp R