#  Seith Woodruff

Driver Information
Full_Name:: Seith Woodruff


How did you decide on this car number:: It was my dads number

City:: Hamilton, IL

Birthday:: November 4th, 1991

Height:: 6 ft

Hobbies:: racing and that's about it.

E-Mail address:: swoodruff_1991@hotmail.com

Favorite Food:: Pepperoni pizza

Family:: Mom Patty, Step-dad Jonny, Dad Steve, Step-mom Erika

Employer:: Heritage House

Job:: Elderly Care

Class you will be racing for the 2010 Season:: 4 Cylinder Wild Things

Tracks you plan to race in 2010:: Lee County Speedway, 34 Raceway, Scotland County Speedway, Macomb Raceway

Years in racing:: 2010 will be my 3rd year

Class you have raced:: only Wild Things

Racing Hero:: I don't really have one...

Best part of racing:: to be able to compete for a win, and winning itself

Worst part of racing:: Blowing up, not finishing

If you were not racing what would you be doing:: I have no clue.

How did you get your start in racing:: I don't know. No one in my family likes sports of any kind. I'm the oddball

Year/Make/Model of car:: 1996 Saturn, 1990 Nissan

Car Owner:: I own all my cars.

Crew Chief:: Me

Crew:: Me, with help from Bill Michael and Jerry Ostby

Sponsors:: Frosty's Snow Removal and Construction Hamilton, IL; Midwest Exhaust, Denver, IL; Randy's Garage Hamilton, IL;

Awards and Accomplishments:: 2008 Macomb Raceway Rookie of the Year and 7th in points. 2009 6th in points at Macomb Raceway

Racing Goals:: To get multiple feature wins in 2010

What would you like to say to your fans:: Thanks for all the support and I WILL be there for 2010.