QUINCY, ILL. (Dec 21) -- The 2007 Quincy Raceways Awards Banquet has been
scheduled for January 19, 2007 at the Quincy Senior Center. The Senior
Center is located at 6th and York in Quincy, Illinois with a parking lot
available on the 6th street side of the building.
Door will open at 6:00pm with the Awards Ceremony starting at 7:00pm
followed by Food, Drink and Dancing until 12:00 Midnight. There will be a
50/50 drawing as well as raffles for several items and free Door Prize
drawings. Entertainment will be provided until Midnight with a cash bar
available as well.
The top ten in points in all classes will receive awards with special awards
being presented as well.
Tickets are $10 in advance and $12 at the door. Tickets orders may be sent
to Vicky Derhake at 1021 South 22nd Street, Quincy, Illinois 62301. Please
include cash or check for the number of tickets you will need along with
your name and the address to mail them to. Tickets may be held for pickup at
the door if you so request.