ULMA Winds Down 2008 with October 4th Race at Lucas Oil
Speedway and Season-Ending Meeting on October 5th in Sedalia, Missouri.
By Sam Stoecklin
ULMA Media Relations
WARRENSBURG, MO (Sept. 26) - As previously announced, the Advantage Metals
Recycling ULMA cars and drivers are set to roll out at least one more time
at the "Diamond of Dirt Tracks," the Lucas Oil Speedway in Wheatland,
Missouri. The action takes place next Saturday evening, October 4th for the
crowning of the series champion and recognition of the top ten in points as
well as the Rookie of the Year. As added excitement for this event, Lucas
Oil Speedway officials requested that the race be ran topless! Modified
racers will join the late model contingent for the unique experience.
According to the latest Lucas Oil Speedway press release (Sept. 24, 2008),
"We really appreciate all the work officials from the ULMA continue to port
forth in the development of their series," stated Kevin Greven, General
Track Manager. Greven went on to state that "this is going to be a lot of
fun for the fans" in reference to both the late model and modified divisions
going topless without the roofs on the cars. The evening gets underway a
little early with gates opening at 4 and races taking to the track at 6.
ULMA is proud to be a part of the final race of the year at Lucas Oil
Speedway, for more information check out the track's official Web site at
Jason Bodenhamer is the overall champion for the year in a season filled
with a lot of emotion and more weather-related woes than anyone cares to
remember. The ULMA started out the year with affiliation at Lucas Oil
Speedway, Central Missouri Speedway, LA Raceway, and Callaway Raceway.
Before the season had ended ULMA cut ties with Callaway Raceways and the LA
Raceway dropped the ULMA class and a short time later closed its gates for
the remainder of the year. The association lost "special" events and several
weekly races throughout the year because of rainouts. The first special to
fall victim was the April event scheduled at 24 Raceway in Moberly,
Missouri. Although officials worked on a make-up race with track management
the event was not made up. May 4th brought ULMA late models to the big half
mile in Sedalia for the first-ever time with Bodenhamer grabbing the win in
the association's one appearance at the track. The other race scheduled at
the Sedalia fairgrounds was washed out on Thursday, August 14th during the
Missouri State Fair. Due to the early closing of LA Raceway the ULMA
Showdown race scheduled for September 13th was not run either. Officials
were notified late in the season that the scheduled September 21st race at
the I-70 Speedway dirt track was removed from the track's schedule and would
not be contested.
With all the downs during the season, ULMA officials were able to secure a
replacement Friday night track at Grain Valley Speedway in Grain Valley,
Missouri. Unfortunately Thursday night into Friday wet weather patterns
continued to plague Friday night racing in the local area and Valley
Speedway experienced several rainouts. The momentum-building process took a
hit for ULMA in its sophomore year but ULMA officials are determined to
continue working on securing events and racing for its 80 plus drivers. It
takes active roles by all involved with an association such as ULMA to make
things work successfully. This includes more than just series officials
working different avenues. Drivers and fans can also make a difference by
making it known to promoters and track owners that there is indeed a place
for weekly late model racing in the greater Kansas City area and beyond.
Negotiations are currently going on regarding the 2009 race season. Normally
this time of year is reserved for driver silly season; however, this year
with financial concerns and uncertainty and changes for many tracks, it has
become track silly season. Grain Valley Speedway will soon release their
2009 schedule. Their plan is to switch over to Saturday nights for 2009.
This change is more than likely driven by the fact that Central Missouri
Speedway in Warrensburg, Missouri is up for sale and as owner Earl Walls has
stated, will not return on a weekly Saturday night basis in 2009. At press
time, Valley Speedway had not yet officially announced their race divisions
for next season. Lucas Oil Speedway's plans are to release their schedule
soon after securing their special event plans for next year. With nearly
half of the ULMA drivers hailing from areas close to the Interstate 70
corridor, it may make for some long-distance travelling for the drivers who
wish to continue racing unless a greater Kansas City-area track can be
secured for 2009.
ULMA member drives are highly encouraged to attend the season-ending meeting
with the association's board of directors to discuss plans for next year,
rules concerns, association concerns and generally any other topics with
regard to ULMA. The meeting will take place at the Ramada Inn sports lounge
in Sedalia, Missouri, just off of 50 Highway on Sunday, October 5th at 4 PM.
Drivers are encouraged to bring their concerns to the table for the meeting.
The meeting is open to driver and affiliate members. Track owners/promoters
(past/present) are invited to attend as are ULMA sponsors and association
affiliate members. ULMA drivers may voice their opinion via e-mail
concerning a possible rules change for next season regarding the weight of
the cars. Potential sponsors and those generally concerned with saving
weekly late model racing may also attend this meeting. Drivers will need to
e-mail board of director member Danny Lorton at dlorton@missvalley.com and
identify themselves in the message and express their choice for what the car
and drivers should weigh for competition. So far, around half of the 80 plus
members have placed their vote regarding the weight issue.
The association sincerely thanks Advantage Metals Recycling (formerly
Galamba Group) for their title sponsorship during the 2008 season. It has
been a pleasure to work with Advantage and ULMA looks forward to continuing
this relationship into the future. Even in times economic worries, the
recycling business continues to thrive and ULMA is honored to have the
affiliation with Advantage Metals Recycling, LLC! Special thanks also go out
to King's Small Engine Repair and Bob King of Independence, Missouri and
Walter and Brooke Imhoff of Imhoff Construction. A great list of contingency
sponsors also contributed to this year's season including FastShafts,
RacingJunk.com, IMPACT Racing, Wineland Enterprises, Mike Crump Racing &
Supply, J&T Racing Supply, Monroe’s Signs & Graphics, Bodee’s Race Bodies,
Rod End Supply, and Kenny Johnson’s Race Replicas.
ULMA Title Sponsor: Advantage Metals Recycling LLC (Formerly Galamba Group),
visit www.galambagroup.com, e-mail Advantage Metals Recycling at info@advantagerecycling.com
or get the ‘Advantage’ by calling 1-866-527-4733. Official Sponsors: King’s
Small Engine Repair LLC, Imhoff Construction. Contingency Sponsors:
RacingJunk.com, IMPACT Racing, FastShafts, Wineland Enterprises, Mike Crump
Racing & Supply, J&T Racing Supply, Monroe’s Signs & Graphics, Bodee’s Race
Bodies, Rod End Supply, and Kenny Johnson’s Race Replicas. Affiliate
Sponsors: Photography by Shelly Payne, Nevels Sign Graphics, and Ken Dake
Attorney at Law.
For more information on the United Late Model Association log onto
www.ulmaracing.com, here, you will find a complete schedule of events at all
three affiliated tracks, special event information, point standings, rules,
and business information. E-mail ULMA at unitedlatemodelassociation@hotmail.com.
When visiting our great sponsors please thank them for supporting local
dirt-track racing!
Remaining ULMA Schedule
October 4: Saturday-Second-Annual Mid-Missouri ULMA Late Model Championships
with awards presented during intermission and an after-race celebration at
the conclusion of the night.
Complete point standings for 2008 can be found at
www.ulmaracing.com . The following
is a list of the top 24 in standings this year.
1st 1X Jason Bodenhamer 1474 20
2nd 51M Mike Ryun (R) 1442 22
3rd 65 Jon Binning 1440 24
4th 1 James Rutledge 1420 25
5th 12C Steve Clancy 1404 17
6th 1A Bryon Allison 1404 17
7th 7 Brett Wood 1378 28
8th 72W Jake Williams (R) 1342 19
9th 27 David Angell 1302 16
10th 57A Randy Ainsworth (R) 1286 19
11th 93R Brett A. Rollert 1239 14
12th 88B David Barker 1148 14
13th 40 Kevin Kaiser 1096 12
14th 5 Tommy Cordray 1027 13
15th 18 Rylan Long 1026 11
16th 3P Allen Perryman 1014 12
17th 25P Javan Payne 890 10
18th 7J J.D. Hubert 842 9
19th 101 Harlen Kennedy 818 10
20th 21 Jeff Schlup 812 10
21st 22 Kevin Coyne 802 11
22nd 32 Gary Billings Jr. 793 10
23rd 55K Andy Kennedy 784 10
24th 69 Walt Imhoff 727 10